Securing L-1 Visas for Multiple Employees and Managers

A diverse group of professionals collaborating in a modern office setting.
Picture of Shawn Sedaghat, Esq.

Shawn Sedaghat, Esq.

Securing L-1 visas for multiple employees and managers is an essential strategy for multinational corporations aiming to strengthen their presence in the United States by transferring key personnel. This visa category, divided into L-1A for managers and executives and L-1B for those with specialized knowledge, requires the company to demonstrate a qualifying relationship with a foreign entity and the employee’s critical role within the company. The application process is rigorous, demanding proof of the employee’s qualifications and the necessity of the transfer for the company’s U.S. operations. For large-scale transfers, companies may opt for the L-1 Blanket Petition, which simplifies the process by allowing a single petition to cover multiple employees, although each individual must still meet specific eligibility criteria. This method not only streamlines the process but also reflects the strategic importance of these transfers in global business expansion.



The L-1 visa is designed to facilitate the temporary transfer of key employees from a foreign company to its U.S. operations. The L-1A visa category is tailored for senior-level executives and managers, granting them a maximum stay of seven years. In contrast, the L-1B visa caters to employees who possess specialized knowledge, with a permissible stay of up to five years. A prerequisite for both visa categories is that the applicant must have been employed with the company overseas for at least one continuous year within the three years prior to their transfer to the United States.

Overview of L-1 Visas

The L-1 visa enables companies to relocate qualified employees to their U.S. operations temporarily. The L-1A visa allows senior-level executives and managers to stay for up to seven years, while the L-1B visa, aimed at those with specialized knowledge, permits a stay of up to five years. Both categories require the visa holders to have been employed with the company abroad for at least one continuous year within the preceding three years before their transfer to the United States.

Importance of L-1 Visas for Multinational Companies

L-1 visas are crucial for multinational companies looking to strengthen their presence in the U.S. market. These visas allow for the transfer of crucial staff who play integral roles in integrating global business practices and executing strategic corporate objectives across borders. By enabling key personnel to lead and manage operations directly within the U.S., L-1 visas help maintain operational continuity, boost global competitiveness, and stimulate innovation. The strategic flexibility offered by these visas also allows companies to quickly adapt to changing market conditions and organizational needs, solidifying their role as essential instruments for fostering international business expansion and development.

Understanding the Nuances of Blanket L-1 Petitions

Blanket L-1 petitions offer a streamlined process for multinational companies that frequently transfer numerous managers, executives, or specialized knowledge employees to the United States. This type of petition simplifies the procedure and reduces the amount of paperwork typically required for each individual L-1 visa application.

What is a Blanket L-1 Petition?

A Blanket L-1 Petition enables a multinational company to transfer multiple employees simultaneously without the need to file separate visa applications for each individual. This is particularly beneficial for companies that regularly move managers, executives, and employees with specialized knowledge between their foreign operations and U.S. offices.

Benefits of Blanket L-1 Petitions for Companies

Streamlined Processing:

The use of an approved blanket petition reduces the need for multiple filings, acting as pre-approval for transferring numerous employees who meet the established criteria, thereby facilitating faster and more efficient employee relocation.

Cost Efficiency:

Blanket petitions lower the costs associated with individual L-1 visa applications, providing a cost-effective solution for large-scale employee transfers.

Faster Employee Relocation:

By incorporating premium processing with a blanket petition, companies can expedite the review process and significantly shorten the wait times for visa issuance, allowing for quicker integration of essential personnel into U.S. operations.

Eligibility Criteria for Blanket L-1 Petitions

To qualify for a blanket petition, a multinational company must meet several criteria:

  • Qualifying Relationship: Demonstrate a qualifying relationship with the foreign company, which could be as a parent company, branch, affiliate, or subsidiary.

  • Physical Premises: Show sufficient physical premises for any new office, especially if establishing new operations.

  • Financial Stability: Provide evidence of combined annual sales, employee numbers, or proof of multinational status that meets or exceeds USCIS standards.

Corporate Requirements

  1. Size and Nature of the Company:

    • The company must be engaged in commercial trade or services.

    • The company must have an office in the United States that has been doing business for one year or more.

  2. Employee Base and Financial Health:

    • The company must have three or more domestic and foreign branches, subsidiaries, or affiliates.

    • The company must meet one of the following:

      • Have obtained at least ten L-1 approvals during the previous 12 months.

      • Have U.S. subsidiaries or affiliates with combined annual sales of at least $25 million.

      • Employ a U.S. workforce of at least 1,000 employees.

Employee Requirements

  1. General Eligibility:

    • Employees to be transferred under the L-1 Blanket visa must be either managers, executives, or specialized knowledge professionals.

  2. Previous Employment:

    • Qualifying employees must have been employed by the company outside the United States for at least one continuous year in the three years immediately preceding the application.

Strategic Importance for Multinational Companies

Utilizing blanket L-1 petitions aligns with the strategic needs of multinational companies looking to enhance their global talent management and maintain a competitive edge in international markets. This approach not only supports the U.S. operations with critical managerial and executive capacities but also leverages the specialized knowledge and skills of foreign employees to foster innovation and growth. Furthermore, the flexibility and efficiency of blanket L-1 petitions make them a vital tool for companies aiming to adapt swiftly to market demands and organizational changes.

In summary, blanket L-1 petitions are a crucial instrument for multinational companies striving to optimize their workforce mobility and operational efficiency across borders. With proper planning, detailed job descriptions, and the assistance of experienced immigration lawyers, these petitions greatly enhance the probability of success in securing L-1 visas for multiple employees, thus supporting both the operational needs of the company and the professional development of its employees.

Step-by-Step Process for Filing a Blanket L-1 Petition

Step 1: Documentation Collection

  • Gather supporting documentation that proves the multinational company’s eligibility, such as evidence of combined annual sales and the qualifying relationship between the U.S. and foreign entities.

Step 2: Submit Form I-129S

  • Submit the Form I-129S, along with the necessary documentation, to the appropriate USCIS service center.

Step 3: USCIS Review

  • Upon receipt, USCIS will evaluate the blanket petition. If approved, the company receives a Blanket Petition Approval Notice, allowing them to transfer eligible employees.

Step 4: Visa Application and Issuance

  • Visa applicants can then apply directly at a U.S. consulate or embassy. They must demonstrate their eligibility under the blanket petition by providing evidence of their managerial, executive, or specialized knowledge capacity.

Important Considerations

  • Employment Authorization: Employees transferred under the L-1 visa can immediately begin work with their U.S. employer, and their family members may apply for Employment Authorization Documents (EADs) to work in the U.S.

  • Permanent Residency: The L-1 visa is a dual intent visa, allowing for the possibility of applying for a green card while in nonimmigrant status.

  • Legal Assistance: Companies should work with experienced immigration lawyers to ensure compliance with all immigration laws and to manage the petition and visa application process effectively.

By utilizing blanket petitions, multinational companies can significantly streamline the process of securing L-1 visas for multiple employees, enhancing their ability to manage and expand their international workforce efficiently. This strategic approach supports the company’s operational needs and the career aspirations of its key personnel in global markets.

Is Your Company’s Revenue Important for an L-1 Visa?

When applying for an L-1 visa, which is crucial for transferring key employees from a foreign company to its U.S. operations, the financial health of the sponsoring company is a pivotal factor. The revenue and financial stability of the company play a central role in determining the success of the L-1 visa applications, especially when these applications are for multiple employees or managers.

Understanding the Financial Criteria for L-1 Visas

For an L-1 visa application, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) mandates comprehensive proof that the sponsoring company can support its employees financially throughout their stay in the U.S. This involves demonstrating that the company is not only actively doing business but also possesses the financial stability required to maintain its operations and fulfill payroll obligations. This criterion is particularly vital when the company aims to establish a new office in the U.S., necessitating additional scrutiny to ensure sufficient financial backing.

The financial strength of a company is often assessed through its combined annual sales, proof of adequate funding, and overall economic health. A robust financial standing shows USCIS that the company can support new or transferred employees without jeopardizing their employment status due to financial instability.

Key Financial Indicators for L-1 Visa Approval

  • Combined Annual Sales: A strong indicator of a company’s market presence and capability to sustain operations internationally.

  • Sufficient Physical Premises: Demonstrates the company’s commitment to establishing a stable and long-term presence in the U.S., which is backed by the financial capability to rent or purchase adequate office space.

  • Financial Stability Documentation: May include balance sheets, profit and loss statements, tax returns, and other financial reports that provide a snapshot of the company’s fiscal health.

  • Supporting Documentation: Includes bank statements and financial forecasts that underline the company’s capability to grow and support its employees in the U.S.

The Role of Premium Processing

For companies that need a swift response on their L-1 visa petitions, especially when involving multiple employees or managers, the premium processing service offered by USCIS is invaluable. This service requires an additional fee but ensures that visa petitions are processed more quickly, reducing the waiting period from several months to just a few weeks.

Strategic Financial Planning for L-1 Visa Success

Companies should engage with experienced immigration lawyers who can help navigate the complexities of L-1 visa applications, including the preparation of all financial documentation. These professionals play a critical role in ensuring that all financial criteria are met, offering advice on how to best present the company’s financial profile to meet USCIS requirements.

In summary, the financial viability of a sponsoring company is essential for securing L-1 visas, particularly when the objective is to transfer multiple employees or establish new offices. A well-prepared financial portfolio that demonstrates the company’s ability to support its U.S. operations and employees is crucial for the successful issuance of L-1 visas. Companies must strategically plan and prepare their L-1 visa applications to include robust financial evidence that aligns with USCIS’s stringent requirements, ensuring both the immediate mobility of their specialized knowledge employees and the long-term success of their international business endeavors.

How Company Revenue Influences L-1 Visa Applications

The revenue of a company is often viewed as a direct indicator of its economic health and operational stability. For L-1 visa applications, higher revenue can demonstrate to USCIS that the company has sufficient resources to support employees transferred under L-1 status, particularly when applying under the categories of specialized knowledge, managerial, or executive capacities.

  • Sustaining Operations: Companies must show that they can financially support the operations of a new or existing U.S. branch, which includes the ability to pay transferred employees.

  • Blanket Petitions: For companies applying for a blanket L-1 petition, which allows the transfer of multiple employees without individual petitions for each, demonstrating a higher revenue threshold is crucial. This shows that the company can sustain a larger scale of operations and employee transfers.

Other Financial Considerations for L-1 Visa Success

Navigating the financial aspects of L-1 visa applications involves several critical considerations that can significantly impact both the immediate and long-term success of the visa process.

Premium Processing Fees: For companies needing rapid processing of their L-1 visa applications, opting for premium processing is a viable option. This service requires an additional fee, which can be substantial, particularly for small businesses or startups. Therefore, financial readiness to handle these extra costs is crucial to avoid delays or disruptions in the visa application process.

Long-term Viability: The financial strength of the sponsoring company plays a pivotal role in the success of employees seeking to transition from L-1 visa status to permanent residency. A financially stable company is perceived as more capable of sustaining long-term employment and supporting an employee’s pathway to permanent residency in the U.S. This stability reassures USCIS that the company can maintain its operations and fulfill the employment terms stipulated in the visa conditions.

Financial Stability and New Offices: When a company plans to open a new office in the U.S., it must demonstrate not just current financial health but also the projected growth and stability to sustain the new operations. This is vital to ensure the office will be viable and operational for at least one year, meeting USCIS’s requirements for new office L-1 visas. This includes showing sufficient initial investment and a robust business plan that details expected growth and financial projections.

In Conclusion: Company revenue and financial health are crucial elements that affect every phase of the L-1 visa application, from securing initial approval to supporting an employee’s future in the U.S. Adequate preparation of financial documentation and strategic planning are essential. Companies are advised to work closely with immigration attorneys who can help navigate these financial requirements effectively. This professional guidance ensures that all aspects of the financial criteria are thoroughly addressed, supporting robust and successful L-1 visa applications.

Preparing Your L-1 Visa Application

Successfully navigating the L-1 visa application process requires thorough preparation and a clear understanding of the necessary documentation. Here’s a comprehensive guide to assembling your application and addressing common challenges.

Required Documentation for L-1 Visa Approval

For an effective L-1 visa application process, comprehensive documentation is crucial to demonstrate the eligibility of both the company and the employee. Here’s a detailed overview of the essential documents required to ensure a smooth application process and successful visa approval.

Proof of Corporate Relationship

To establish a qualifying relationship between the U.S. and foreign entities, applicants must provide:

  • Articles of Incorporation: These documents verify the legal existence of both the U.S. and foreign entities.

  • Financial Statements: These offer insights into the financial health of the company, supporting its capability to sustain operations and employee transfers.

  • Organizational Charts: These charts help to demonstrate the structural relationship between the parent company, branches, affiliates, or subsidiaries, ensuring they meet USCIS standards for a qualifying organization.

Evidence of Employment

Key documentation includes:

  • Detailed Job Descriptions: These should outline the specific roles and responsibilities of the employee in the foreign company, proving that they have been employed in an executive, managerial, or specialized knowledge capacity for at least one continuous year within the three preceding years.

  • Proof of Employment: Such as payroll records, employment letters, or performance evaluations, which confirm the employee’s position and duration of service with the foreign employer.

Description of Proposed U.S. Role

A comprehensive job description for the position in the U.S. should include:

  • Managerial, Executive, or Specialized Knowledge Duties: The document should detail the scope of the role, highlighting any managerial or executive responsibilities or the application of specialized knowledge that is critical to the U.S. operations.

Financial Documents

To demonstrate the U.S. company’s financial ability to support the L-1 visa holder, include:

  • Profitability Reports and Financial Health Evidence: This shows the company’s capability to meet payroll obligations and other operational expenses.

  • Combined Annual Sales Reports: These documents reinforce the company’s economic stability and ongoing business activities in the U.S.

Proof of Physical Premises

For L-1 visas involving the establishment of a new office, the applicant must provide:

  • Lease, Deed, or Mortgage Documents: These should detail the physical location where the new office will operate, affirming that sufficient physical premises have been secured to support the proposed business activities.

Additional Considerations

  • Blanket Petitions: For companies transferring multiple employees, an approved blanket petition simplifies the process, allowing the transfer of various employees under one comprehensive filing.

  • Premium Processing: An additional fee allows for expedited processing of the visa application, a valuable option for companies needing rapid approval to meet business needs.

  • Employment Authorization Documents: For any accompanying family members, documentation supporting their eligibility for work in the U.S. can be crucial for longer assignments.


Ensuring that all these documents are accurately prepared and thoroughly presented is essential for the success of an L-1 visa application. Companies are advised to collaborate with experienced immigration lawyers to navigate this complex process effectively. Properly managed, the L-1 visa offers multinational companies a strategic tool for global talent mobility, essential for supporting international operations and expanding global market presence

Common Challenges in L-1 Visa Applications and How to Overcome Them

1. Proving Specialized Knowledge or Managerial/Executive Role:

  • Challenge: USCIS may scrutinize whether the employee’s role requires specialized knowledge or qualifies as managerial/executive.

  • Solution: Provide a comprehensive job description detailing the role’s complexity and specialized nature. Include contracts, work orders, or letters from clients and colleagues corroborating specialized knowledge or managerial responsibilities.

2. New Offices and Proof of Viability:

  • Challenge: For new offices, proving that the business will support an executive or managerial position for the long term can be difficult.

  • Solution: Prepare a detailed business plan that outlines projected growth, financial projections, and operational plans for the next year. Include market analyses and evidence of potential clients or business activities.

3. Ensuring Continuous Operation of the Foreign Entity:

  • Challenge: The foreign entity must continue to operate while the L-1 visa holder is in the U.S.

  • Solution: Provide recent financial statements and operational reports for the foreign entity to prove it will remain active.

4. Visa Denials or Delays:

  • Challenge: L-1 applications can be delayed or denied for various reasons, including insufficient documentation or failure to meet L-1 visa criteria.

  • Solution: Engage an immigration lawyer who can provide expert advice and ensure that your application is comprehensive and meets all legal criteria. Consider premium processing if time is critical.

By thoroughly preparing your L-1 visa application and addressing these common challenges, you can increase the likelihood of approval and minimize delays. This process requires detailed documentation and a clear demonstration of both the necessity and legitimacy of the intra-company transfer.

Best Practices for L-1 Visa Applications

Successfully navigating the L-1 visa application process is critical for multinational companies that need to transfer key employees to the United States. Understanding and implementing best practices can significantly enhance the chances of approval. Here are essential strategies and insights into how immigration lawyers can streamline this complex process.

Strategies to Enhance the Success Rate of Your L-1 Visa Applications

1. Comprehensive Documentation:

  • Ensure that all required documentation is thorough and meticulously prepared. This includes detailed job descriptions that clearly define the roles as managerial, executive, or requiring specialized knowledge. Also, provide proof of the qualifying relationship between the U.S. and foreign entities through organizational charts and financial statements.

2. Strong Business Case:

  • Especially for new office petitions, present a compelling business plan that includes market analysis, projected financials, and a clear explanation of the business necessity for the transferee. The plan should convincingly show how the employee fits into the U.S. operation’s growth strategy.

3. Maintain Compliance with Visa Requirements:

  • Regularly review visa regulations to ensure compliance with changing rules and criteria. This involves keeping track of the employee’s role and duties in the U.S. to ensure they continue to qualify under their visa category.

4. Use of Premium Processing:

  • When timing is crucial, consider using USCIS’s premium processing service, which expedites the review of visa applications for a fee. This can be particularly useful in situations where quick staff movement is essential.

5. Regular Legal Consultations:

  • Regularly consult with immigration lawyers to keep abreast of any changes in immigration laws and policies that might affect your application.

The Role of Immigration Lawyers in Streamlining the L-1 Visa Process

1. Expert Guidance:

2. Handling Complications:

  • Lawyers are invaluable in managing complications such as requests for evidence (RFEs) from USCIS. They know how to respond effectively to RFEs and can help mitigate any issues that might arise during the visa application process.

3. Strategic Planning:

  • Experienced attorneys can assist in strategic planning by evaluating the best options for both initial applications and extensions. They can provide advice on how to structure your company and its transfers to benefit from immigration provisions.

4. Streamlining Applications:

  • Lawyers help streamline the application process by handling paperwork, ensuring deadlines are met, and keeping the application process moving forward without delays. They can also facilitate communications with USCIS, reducing the burden on your company’s HR department.

5. Mitigating Risk:

  • By ensuring compliance and foreseeing potential legal challenges, immigration lawyers can significantly mitigate the risks associated with L-1 visa applications.

Integrating these best practices into your L-1 visa application strategy can greatly enhance the likelihood of successful visa approvals, allowing your multinational company to effectively manage and utilize its global talent. With the support of skilled immigration lawyers, companies can navigate this complex process more smoothly, ensuring that key employees are transferred with minimal disruption to business operations.


In summary, securing L-1 visas for multiple employees and managers is a complex yet manageable task that can bring substantial benefits to multinational companies. By adopting a detailed and strategic approach, these companies can effectively leverage this visa category to enhance their U.S. operations and global talent management strategies.

Recap of Key Points

Comprehensive Documentation: The success of L-1 visa applications heavily depends on the thorough preparation of supporting documentation. This includes detailed job descriptions that clearly outline the roles as managerial, executive, or specialized knowledge positions, demonstrating the essential function these employees will serve within the company.

Utilization of Blanket Petitions: Blanket petitions are crucial for companies that need to transfer multiple employees. By streamlining the visa application process, these petitions reduce paperwork and simplify submissions. Utilizing premium processing with blanket petitions can further expedite the approval process, ensuring that multinational companies can meet their strategic staffing needs promptly.

Financial Stability: Demonstrating the financial stability and operational capacity of both the U.S. parent company and the foreign company is crucial. This ensures that the business can support its international transfers and maintain robust operations, reflecting the combined annual sales and financial health needed to sustain a large workforce.

Role of Immigration Lawyers: Engaging with knowledgeable immigration lawyers is invaluable in navigating the complexities of L-1 visa applications. These professionals provide expert guidance on immigration laws, prepare all necessary documentation, and help overcome potential challenges, such as addressing any issues raised during USCIS reviews or consular processing.

By focusing on these key areas, companies can not only ensure the successful processing of L-1 visas for their employees but also enhance their overall capability to manage and expand global talent effectively. This strategic use of the L-1 visa supports multinational companies in maintaining a competitive edge in international markets, fostering growth, and promoting the long-term development of their global operations.

Final Thoughts on Optimizing L-1 Visa Applications for Teams

For multinational companies, the L-1 visa serves as a strategic tool far beyond the mere transfer of employees; it’s instrumental in enhancing global business operations and expanding into international markets. The application process for an L-1 visa should be integrated into the broader strategic planning of the company, taking into account not only immediate needs for talent mobility but also long-term objectives for growth and expansion across global markets.

Effectively managing L-1 visa applications for multiple employees demands a proactive strategy. This includes anticipating potential challenges, ensuring compliance with all immigration laws, and confirming that all transfers align with the overarching business goals of the company. By addressing these areas, companies not only ensure smoother transitions for their transferred employees but also solidify their standing in the global marketplace. This process typically involves leveraging the specialized knowledge of employees, filling managerial or executive positions with the most qualified individuals, and utilizing blanket petitions to streamline the transfer process for groups of employees.

In conclusion, navigating the L-1 visa application process, while potentially daunting, can be greatly optimized with thorough planning, detailed job descriptions, the support of adept immigration lawyers, and the strategic use of premium processing. Companies that excel in these areas are better positioned to effectively utilize their global workforce, fulfilling both operational needs and supporting their employees’ professional growth. The strategic application of the L-1 visa not only facilitates a stronger presence in both the home country of the foreign company and international markets but also showcases the multinational company’s commitment to fostering commercial trade across borders.

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